Our Platform

We think all city residents deserve safe, affordable housing. This includes the majority who rent their homes. Accordingly, we worked to set up a rental registration and licensing program that will require all residential rental units to pass a regular health and safety inspection. We also passed an anti-retaliation ordinance supporting renters who face retaliatory eviction measures for exercising their legal rights.
Still, many neighborhoods continue to struggle with blight and deteriorating property conditions as a result of older housing and a lack of public and private investment. We believe the city has a role to play in improving both housing and neighborhood conditions. Well-managed housing can be a valuable asset for the community and a way to ensure safe, clean neighborhoods.
Our plan:
Partner with local organizations to access the millions of dollars in funding that is available for affordable housing rehabilitation and development. There’s a lot of money available through state and federal programs for rehabilitating, weatherizing and developing affordable houses -- both rental and owner-occupied. These programs can be a heavy lift for small cities like Meadville to administer, but partnering with the county and local nonprofits can reduce the administrative burden while ensuring the greatest possible impact. We need to build strong partnerships and make a plan to get these funds into our community.
Partner with the county to create a land bank to address blighted properties and get them back on the tax rolls. Land banks are another tool the city should use to tackle blight and infuse investment into neighborhoods. Land banks can acquire vacant, blighted properties with free and clear title. In combination with funds from programs mentioned above, the land bank could redevelop properties itself to sell to new homeowners.
Ensure public housing serves the people. Public housing programs are intended to serve, not stifle. We need a Housing Authority that is responsive to the people who live in public housing and those seeking Section 8 vouchers.
We believe City Council should be responsive to everyone, not just the people who own a lot of real estate. City Council should listen to all voices and make it easier for those who have been excluded from public decision-making to be involved and represented in those decisions.
We also recognize that the City has limited resources and a tight budget. That’s because each year the cost of basic services—like police, fire, streets and sanitation—goes up while revenues remain stagnant. For years, City Council has responded to this problem by borrowing money to avoid raising property taxes. But the debt is no longer sustainable. We need to find new ways of raising revenue. But this can only happen if we have more local control over city finances, review our tax-exempt nonprofits, and work together with other municipalities facing the same budget challenges.
Our plan:
More local control over City finances. Home Rule is one thing the City can do to ensure local control over Meadville's future. In essence, Home Rule is what it sounds like—it would transfer authority over municipal matters from restrictive state laws (what are called "municipal codes") to a local charter that’s drafted by residents and adopted by Meadville voters. This is why Home Rule was one of the main recommendations provided to the City in 2020, following a state-funded study of City finances by the Pennsylvania Economy League. In effect, Home Rule would give us more local control, more freedom to self-govern, and more flexibility to address financial problems.
Join the Pennsylvania Municipal League and lobby the state government for budget relief. Meadville is not alone in its financial challenges. Many third-class cities, especially county seats, are constrained by the state when it comes to raising revenue to pay for public services. The state needs to grant municipalities more flexibility in raising revenue and more equitable taxing options. But this will only happen if communities like Meadville come together to pressure the state for budget relief.
Tax reform and revenue generation. More than 40% of Meadville’s tax base is tax-exempt. We need to reduce property tax exemptions and distribute the tax burden more fairly. Verifying that all tax-exempt properties are used for a nonprofit purpose could provide tax relief to the 60% of Meadville that currently pays for 100% of city services. Additionally, a county-wide tax reassessment would further ensure equitable taxing not only within the city, but compared to other municipalities in Crawford County.
We are working to invest in public spaces and build community wealth. It starts with adequately funding our police, fire and other public services. To help with that, we need to aggressively pursue state and federal funds that we can invest in our community—so our residents, our small businesses, and our anchor institutions can grow and prosper together.
Our plan:
Create a new Comprehensive Plan that will allow us to access big dollars for community and economic development. The city’s current comprehensive plan is 10 years old, automatically making us ineligible for or a weaker candidate for many state and federal programs. A comprehensive plan is a guiding source for Council and city staff, and if done in collaboration with community partners, the entire Meadville community.
Support and partner with economic development organizations focused on revitalizing our local economy. We have to invest in our neighborhoods where we live, our youth and future workforce, local businesses and community organizations that keep jobs and money flowing here, and our community assets like the Meadville Medical Center, the Meadville Area Recreation Complex, the Meadville Market House, our educational institutions, our historic buildings, and housing stock.
Support workforce development around weatherization and energy efficiency. We need to take advantage of new federal and state programs for housing rehabilitation, development, and weatherization. Meadville is home to many wonderful contractors, but they are already balancing a number of jobs with limited staff. We need to actively grow our workforce if we want these programs to improve our neighborhoods, create jobs, and keep people in Meadville.